Friday, August 12, 2011

Formatting Cells, Font and etc.

Let's talk about the little stuff...

Changing format, ie. ordinary numbers into accounting numbers!

Changing Cell's Background Colour...

Changing Cell's Border...

Changing Font Size...

Freeze and Unfreeze Pane

Purpose of freezing Column, Rows and Panes is to make sure your headings don't disappear into the sunset when you start scrolling...

Freezing Column...

Freezing Row...

Freezing Pane...

Saving the best for last...Unfreezing Pane...

Wrap Cells

Some people like to squish all words into one cell and some don't and for those who like it, here's a treat for you...

Hiding Rows and Columns

There are times when you do not want to certain data because (1) they confuse you and (2) you are sick and tired of them...

Hiding Columns:

And hiding Rows...

Add Columns and Rows

Exactly like Deleting Columns/Rows from my last post, except we are not "removing" anyway, we are "creating"...

And here's the easier way to add columns...

And here's the first option for Rows:

...and option 2:


Delete Columns or Rows

There are two ways of deleting deleting columns and rows, than again, as usual Excel have millions of ways doing the same function...

Deleting Columns - Option 1:

Deleting Columns - Option 2:

Here's for the Row - Option 1:

Here's for the Row - Option 2 (Suprise!):

Merging and Unmerging Cells

Merging=combining two or more cells; Unmerging=un-combining two or more cells...alright, there's no such word as "un-combining" but you got the idea...

Here's how to merge:

And here's how to un-merge...

Ajusting Column or Row Size

We adjust column and row size because (fill in the blanks)....

Now let's do Column first:

Now as usual, the row:

I swear it's not that hard...really...

Changing Default Number of Tabs

It's interesting that after all those years, Microsoft Excel still provides us with three tabs by default but we can change all that...

Creating and Deleting Tabs

Want a new spreadsheet for that new handbag or shoe models? No problem!

Here's creating a new spreadsheet for perhaps your favourite brand name handbags!

Need to delete that spreadsheet containing those 60s shoes? No problem either...